Saturday, July 18, 2009

Little H is a good brother

Our little H is growing everyday. Since his sister was born, he has been a good brother to her. The latest his favorite thing to do with his sister is to be near by her and lying down next to her.

Just cute to see how he likes to be with her.

Every morning, he asks me where his sister is when I did not bring her to a front room. He always wants to know where she is when we go anywhere.

He even tries to entertain her when she is fussing by Pica boo. What a good brother.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Cleaning the balcony and Rasberry picking

Little H thinks that he needs to clean the balcony when he goes out there. He tries to move my weights. (They have not been used a long time so they have a lot of dust on them...) He moved a big pot.

We visited our friend's hosue on Tuesday. Little H experienced the picking rasberry the first time. He was not quite sure the first while, but he got hung of it little later. My freind helped Little H to pick the rasberry.