So, 6 months with a baby is so fast and amazing. She grows up so fast. I cannot believe how big she is now. Well, she is about 95% height, 90% weight, 25% head circumference. She is our little big girl. Sorry that some of pictures did not turn out so good. I should have picked little beter one. Oh well....
Now she can sit with just a little support. I tell you her personality is showing more and more every day. She doesn't like to be hungry and doesn't like to go bed at night. Yes. She is quite clear about these. When she is sleepy, she shakes her head against whatever her head is on such as my chest, shoulder and her bed. She loves to have blanket on her face. In fact, she cannot go sleep without blanket near her mouth.
She moves around a lot. She roles every where. She is a go getter. She roles to her brother's chair and tries to taste his chair. She gets her brother's stuffed animal and anything that might be interesting to her...
Little H is not happy about her touching his stuff. But he is a nice brother who is learning to bring her toys so that she doesn't take his.
She loves to eat. She started solid last Wednesday. She is a good eater already.
She can drink water from shipper cup now. Wow, big girl.
Oh, did I tell you that she doesn't like her car seat much.
She started to like books. She is still learning to enjoy them. Now??? She is trying them out with her mouth most of the time. hahaha