Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010 and Fall

It has been a long time since I posted anything.

We had a good Halloween. Here is some photos.

Enjoyed walking with hand to hand.

Young Train Engineer and a cute monkey

With a Pierette dad

She is the cutest monkey ever. She loves bananas and gets so mad when she cannot have one.

Little H thought it was the coolest thing ever. He loved to handing candies to trick or treaters at home also.

Shi chan had a good time till she encountered a dog. After that incident, every time she close to door, she started to back off and ask to be held.

Dad and grandpa took them to trick to treat, so I stayed home with grandma. She was busy handing candies, but I had a good homemade hot apple cyder with caramel popcorn. It was a cold rain night but we had a great Halloween activity.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So, lately

We finally bought a house. After more than three years of hunting is done. Yea!!!

Now, it is time to think about what we want to do to the house. I mean remodeling. Not that much but a few things before we move in.

I realized that I do not like to think any more. I used to think more hard things and made decisions. But lately, I seem to have a little trouble to make decisions....


I used to decide on things requires big moneys I mean really big. Like 10, 000 dollars for one machine to build or change or whatever for my work. Or in fact, one decision may change people's life or safety.

Now, I have a trouble decidedness with one color of paint of the wall. What a happened to me.

It is silly. I feel stupid. But I feel it is very difficult to make the decision that will please me and my family at same time.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I was reading my freind's blog which is called recipie blog. It is great. It only contains recipies. I am thinking to start it.

I mean I have recipies that needs to be organized and I do not like to rewrite in book... So I am thinking to have recpie blog is not a bad idea.

That way, when I need it it is all there and redy to use and organized the way I like.


I will give a little more thought on this, but I may copy her idea too.