Monday, December 29, 2008

Da da is home for vacation!

So, one of the word,Little H says "da da". You can guess what that means... Yes, it is daddy. He loves his daddy and loves to be around. Yeap, Little H is enjoying da da's vacation time!!!

Little H's first Santa experience. He did not cry or anything. He was not sure how to react first but he did smile the end.

My parents sent some gifts to Little H. He got a cute hat and grabs. Here it goes. This is the first in a snow experience for Little H. It was too much snow for him.

We went to Hill Air Force museum on weekend. It was the first time for all of us and it was great and fun. Little H enjoyed runing around and we were busy chasing after him...

Is Little H future a pilot???
Little H loves to copy Da da!!! Yeap, they are father and son.Little H has a little bit of mom too? Future engineer???

We are still on vacation with dada, so we try to update more later. Have a happy new year everyone.


Just Jana said...

Wow it is sooooo nice to see how you are all doing! Little H is such a cutie!! I'm sure he keeps you busy!

Unknown said...

You are so lucky to have a smiling photo with Santa. We didn't even bother trying with Aidan this year. The hat and mittens are really cute.

Fuku_chan said...

Jana> thanks for visiting our blog. Little H is a mover so I need to chase after him a lot. But he is a little fun kid.

Anjeanette> Little H usually smiles. He loves to take pictures. But you know some time, kids act like kid. I got a lucky that we could take two pictures.