Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Tale of Two (to four) Hiros

Little H considers the weighty matters of "Does daddy see me doin' stuff" and the like, from multiple perspectives: Mano e mano or tete-a-tete;

Through the looking glass (as Little H wonders, "can daddy fully appreciate how I'm handling the faucet when he has the silver-metallic rectangle in front of his eyes?");

Or the vantage point from the right (here), as Plato affectionately called it, two removes from heaven. Okay, so he wasn't actually looking at me from there. But he does. When tummy-time and lap-time draw to a close (signalled by a series of evocative grunts) we'll then explore the fascinating environs of the bathroom sink. He'll spend the first five minutes looking at me from all four directions. I love it, of course, because he tends to smile at me each time our eyes meet (or, should I say, the photons bouncing off our eyes bounce into each other's photo receptors?)

Sometimes, the situation calls for serious introspection. If one can't get in touch with oneself, how can one begin to believe the rest isn't all simply smoke and mirrors?

1 comment:

Fuku_chan said...

He still loves the sink. Yeap, that is where I bring him when he is not happy!