Saturday, June 28, 2008

Family Outings

So, this past two weeks, we had family outings. We went to first hiking of the year and with little H! Yes, his mountain, hiking debut. He seemed like it fine. Jens got a back pack for him. The first little H was not sure about how high he is, but he seemed adjusted fine.

The mountain was beautiful. We tried to let little H to enjoy the creek.

I guess it was too cold for littl H. Look at his little feet. "wow, dad, what is this!!!! It is cold!!!"

Today, we went to Art Festival. It was hot. Little H was sweating a little. He enjoyed a light rail ride. It seems like to me that he eats more when he is out side. I cannot blame him on that. I eat more when I am out too. hahaha. I guess he got it from me. We had fun weekends.


Jerin said...

Wow, he looks much older from the last time I saw him. What a little cutie! Looks like you guys had a fun time!

Fuku_chan said...

Jerin>yea! we had a good time. He is getting older. Summer is a great time for family fun!

The Grays: said...

The hike looks like fun! And little H is adorable and VERY cute! So glad that we can stay in touch...Simon and San Gray

Sabya said...

Hiroto is growing quickly !! Nice to see all of you having fun.

F Montierth said...

Hey, good to see the little guy. Is he walking yet? You guys need to come out and visit so our two can get together.

BKC said...

Hello there! Sorry I haven't emailed forever, i'm horrible. I love these pictures. Little H is soo soo cute. How's house hunting?

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

BKC said...

I need to see more pictures of Little H! Sounds like you are doing well, keep me posted on everything we're still voting for you to move up this way!