Saturday, October 31, 2009


Today is Halloween. Here in US, a lot of people are excited about this holiday and they are so into costumes...

Well, in my opinion, my kids are too small to understand what Halloween is all about so I did not make a big effort to get costumes...

However, here is some what costumed kids... Little H is a dinosaur and Shii chan is little bear.

Only Halloween party that we went... Little H's play group. It was this Monday. All kids were so quiet when they were eating their snacks. Play group moms were very considerate and most snacks were very healthy.
We visited grandparents today and here is our little angels' two shots.


The Grays: said...

oh, they are soooooo cute. I wish my girls could get together with your children for a play date.

You know, we should plan a reuinion of Mika, you, me and maybe Kanachi. It would be perfect if in Utah because San and I have other people there we need to see. Email me and tell me what you think.

I still haven't met your husband or children.

Love you always,

Baba S. said...

And what a Happy Halloween it was too with the cute grandkids dropping by!

Fuku_chan said...

The Grays> Thanks. I sent you an e-mail. I really wish you guys can come and visit.

Baba S.> Thank you. It was very fun for us too.