Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Little H and stuffed animal and his obssesion

Lately, Little H loves an ape stuffed animal that I had... Now, it is his and he takes it everywhere at home. This stuffed name is now "Gori" It is from "Gorira" in Japanese which means Gorilla.

It is still a boy, one minutes he tenderly pads the Gori, next minutes he wrestle with him. But I have to admit, it is supper cute that he loves it so much.
When I tried to take a picture of him, he decided to show me a funny face.
Past two weeks, he loves to hung out in a kitchen with mom. He is a good little helper often times. He cleans the floor pretty well. He tried to help to put grocery away with me. He love to watch me cooking. Before he climbs on the radder, he says "Miru, Sawara nai" with shaking head and weaving hand. It means "Watch and do not touch" I have been teaching him not to touch unless I say OK in a kitchen. But of cause he finds some pots and balls when I was busy doing some housework.
The result.... He had a big smile on his face.


Baba S. said...

Little H is soo helpful and cute too!

Fuku_chan said...

BabaS. Yes. he is a good boy