Thursday, March 13, 2008


You are probably wonder how come Fuku chan is writing a lot.

Well, I am online more than usual since Jens is in India...
I hope to get him online... So I am here writing...

Nothing much to talk about. Just mumbling. haha

Anyone who lived by yourself can relate of what I say now. My dinner, and lunch got say carb fest. hahaha. I did not want to cook much so I ate, bread, rice and noodles... Snack Doritos, crackers, cookies.

I did not feel good. I mean I am not sick or anything just feel like not healthy... So I bought some vegetables yesterday and yesterday today. I had a vege fest. hahaha.

How do I feel? Much better.

I believe in a good food brings a good health. Good food needs a lot of vegetables and fruits too.


BKC said...

I agree! That is so funny. Your blog is soo cute, this will be a fun way to keep in touch as well!! (this is Kayla by the way :))

BKC said...

Oh, by the way, I named you "Little H" on our website so I didn't have to use your names :)

Fuku_chan said...

bkc>thanks for visting our blog. And reading it. Well, you can tell when I write and when Jens writes. hahaha. Differnce is obeouse. I hope you enjoy our blog. By the way, how you like your new house?